Purpose and scope of personal information collection
The main data collection on the website http://hoata.art including: name, email, phone number, address of customer This is the mandatory information that Hoa Ta needs members to provide, so we can consult and/or confirm their purchases based on each customer’s requirement or Hoa Ta‘s products.
During the payment transaction at the website http://hoata.art we only keep the details of the customer’s paid order. The information about the customer’s bank account number will not be kept.
Customers (members) will be solely responsible for the security and retention of their contact information and email boxes. In addition, customers (members) are responsible for promptly notifying the website http://hoata.art about unauthorized use, abuse, breach of security, retention of registered names and passwords of third parties to take appropriate measures.
Note: We use Matomo Analytics to collect customer visit data. If customers do not want their information to be saved by Matomo, please tick the box below and refresh the website
Cookie d'exclusion installé. Vos visites sur ce site web ne seront PAS enregistrées par notre outil d'analyse web. Note : si vous nettoyez vos cookies et supprimez le cookie d'exclusion, ou bien si vous changez d'ordinateur et/ou de navigateur, il vous faudra de nouveau effectuer la procédure d'exclusion.
Vous pouvez vous opposer au suivi de votre navigation sur ce site web. Cela protégera votre vie privée, mais empêchera également le propriétaire d'apprendre de vos actions et de créer une meilleure expérience pour vous et les autres utilisateurs.
La fonctionnalité de désactivation du suivi nécessite que les cookies soient autorisés.
Scope of information use
Hoa Ta uses customer information to:
- Contact to confirm orders and deliver goods to customers (members) when receiving requests
- Provide information about products to customers if required;
- Send marketing and promotional emails about the goods we sell;
- Send notifications about website activities http://hoata.art to clients when needed;
- Contact and deal with customers in special cases;
- Do not use customers’ personal information other than for confirmation and contact purposes related to transactions at http://hoata.art
- At the request of judicial authorities, including: Procuracy, court, investigation police agency related to certain law violations of customers.
- In addition, no one has the right to infringe on members’ personal information.
Data storage duration
Customers’ personal data will be stored until requested by the administrator to terminate. Remaining in all cases the customers’ personal information will be kept confidentially on our servers at http://hoata.art
Address of the unit that collects and manages information
Công ty TNHH Công Nghệ Hình Ảnh Văn Hoá Nghệ Thuật Hoa Ta
Head office: Số 8 nội khu Mỹ Thái 1A, Tân Phú ward, District 7, Hồ Chí Minh city
Hotline: 0333090028 – Email: [email protected]
Persons or organizations that have access to customers (members)’s information
- The member’s collected information will be accessed by the administrator.
- Other brands are owned by Hoa Ta company.
- Authorities upon request.
Methods and tools for consumers to access and correct their personal data on the e-commerce system
- Members have the right to check, update, adjust or cancel their personal information by contacting the website http://hoata.art administrator to do this.
- Members have the right to submit complaints about information confidentiality content by contacting the webmaster http://hoata.art. When receiving these responses, Hoa Ta will reconfirm the information, in case it is confirmed, we will take the appropriate measures to handle it. http://hoata.art timely remedial measures will be taken.
- Committed to protecting customer’s personal information
- Personal information of customers on http://hoata.art will http://hoata.art commits to keep customers’ personal information confidentiality under the privacy policy http://hoata.art. The collection and use of each member’s information is only done with the consent of that customer, unless otherwise provided by law.
- We do not use, do not transfer, provide or disclose to any third party about the member’s personal information without the member’s consent.
- In the event that the information server is attacked by a hacker(s) resulting in the loss of member’s personal data, http://hoata.art will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities in a timely manner.
- Absolutely confidentiality of all online transaction information of members including digital invoices on http://hoata.art.
- http://hoata.artrequires individuals when registering/buying from http://hoata.art to provide all relevant personal information such as: Full name, contact address, email, phone,…. And be responsible for the information provided. http://hoata.artis not responsible for nor resolves all complaints related to the interests of that member if it considers all personal information of that member provided when initial registration is inaccurate.
Mechanism for receiving and resolving consumer complaints related to personal information being used for the wrong purpose or scope announced
Members have the right to file complaints about the disclosure of personal information to third parties to http://hoata.art our office or via email.
Email: [email protected]
The Company is responsible for taking technical and professional measures to verify the reflected contents.
Processing time for feedback related to customer personal information is 15 days.
Collection of personal information using “cookies”
Browse http://hoata.art of customers may be recorded to analyze the number of visitors to the website and common usage patterns. Some of this information will be collected through the use of “cookies”. Cookies are small data files that automatically save an individual’s web surfing times on their computer and may use cookies to restore access. If you (members) want to disable these cookies, you can change the settings on your browser. However, it is possible that customers (members) will not be able to access some parts of our website.
Marketing promotional campaigns: We may sometimes collect personal information from website visitors http://hoata.art and individuals participating in contests or promotions (online or by phone, or at one of Hoa Ta’s branches). This information is only collected from individuals who voluntarily provide information to us. We may use this information to advertise and recommend products, services and other marketing materials that we deem relevant to the interests of the above individuals. We may also invite visitors to this website to participate in market research and surveys and other similar activities.